Partner Interviews
Public Safety Communication Europe
Public Safety Communication Europe (PSCE) is an independent forum gathering key players in the field of public safety and public security from user organizations, industry and research institutes and it acts as a platform where PSCE stakeholders can discuss and exchange ideas and best practices, develop roadmaps and contribute to the future of public safety communications. The mission of the organization is to actively involve all of its members and create networking and collaboration opportunities, influence EU and standardization bodies to bring the voice of the PSCE community the policy-making level and raise awareness on the challenges faced by the public safety community.
What is your organisation’s role in the project? What unique contribution does it bring to the team?
PSCE oversees stakeholder coordination activities, focusing on the collaboration with SNS projects, the 6G-IA community, and expanding experts within the 6G ecosystem. PSCE facilitates the integration of the societal dimension into 6G innovation practices via a framework for KVIs. It also contributes to the development of a Technology Acceptance Model to improve 6G innovation’s engagement with public values and concerns. Its ultimate goal is to ensure adoption among relevant projects and stakeholders. PSCE brings expertise from another SNS project leading the work on KVIs and stakeholder engagement. It builds on a depth of EC projects in public safety where it regularly merges the needs of stakeholders, decision-makers, and technology developers. It will leverage its position within the 6G-IA and PSCE communities to further the integration of societal and sustainable values within 6G technology development. As a leader in communication for public safety, PSCE will help in project awareness-raising activities and support with dissemination across its wider networks.
How do you think 6G4Society will contribute to European society?
The speed at which the connectivity landscape is developing is unprecedented; while 6G communication is expected to bring seamless connectivity, benefiting businesses and people’s everyday life, there are also many questions that arise on the societal, economic and environmental impact and benefit of such developments. This is where 6G4Society comes in. The project will engage with all key stakeholders including civil society, the general public, experts, players in the SNS ecosystem and policymakers to ensure that moving forward technology will be developed by the people for the people. 6G4Society will contribute to the European Commission’s objective to promote technology evolution while taking into account how societal and sustainability dimensions should both drive and benefit from such innovation. The work that 6G4S will conduct will help to lay the foundation for a more responsible and accountable research and innovation for 6G technologies that will benefit society as a whole.